美国邮政局分发了2 000M免费COVID-19测试,自开始以来交付了900M。 The US Postal Service distributes 20M free COVID-19 tests, with 900M delivered since start.
美国 The U.S. 邮政局正在分发免费的COVID-19测试,3 200万份订单中有2 000万份已经通过COVIDTests.gov发运。 Postal Service is distributing free COVID-19 tests, with 20 million of 32 million ordered already shipped via COVIDTests.gov. 许多试验的保存期可能只有几个月。 Many tests may have a shelf life of only a few months. 该计划旨在确保在呼吸系统疾病高峰季节获得,FDA将某些测试的过期日期延长. The initiative aims to ensure access during peak respiratory illness seasons, with the FDA extending expiration dates for some tests. 家庭可以订购四套药包,该方案从一开始就提供了9亿多次检测。 Households can order four kits, and the program has delivered over 900 million tests since its start.