伊利诺伊州立法者提出了两党家庭农场保护法案,将家庭农场的遗产税起征点从 400 万美元提高到 600 万美元,并可根据通货膨胀进行调整。 Illinois lawmakers introduce bipartisan Family Farm Preservation Act, raising estate tax threshold for family farms from $4M to $6M, adjustable for inflation.
伊利诺伊州立法者提出了一项两党法案,旨在提高家庭农场的遗产税起征点。 Illinois lawmakers have introduced a bipartisan bill that aims to raise the estate tax threshold for family farms. 现行法律要求继承人对价值超过 400 万美元的整个遗产纳税。 The current law requires heirs to pay taxes on the entire estate if it is valued over $4 million. 新的《家庭农场保护法》将门槛提高到 600 万美元,仅对高于该金额的价值征税。 The new Family Farm Preservation Act would raise the threshold to $6 million, only taxing the value above that amount. 该门槛还将根据通货膨胀进行调整。 The threshold would also be adjusted for inflation. 这项立法可以防止继承人被迫出售土地来缴税,从而有助于保护家庭农场。 This legislation could help preserve family farms by preventing heirs from being forced to sell their land to pay the tax.