Martin Lewis澄清说,只有大约4%的地产面临继承税,有免税和降低赔偿责任的门槛。 Martin Lewis clarifies that only about 4% of estates face Inheritance Tax, with exemptions and thresholds reducing liability.
金融专家马丁·刘易斯再次保证,25个遗产中只有大约1个财产支付遗产税。 Financial expert Martin Lewis reassures that only about one in 25 estates pays Inheritance Tax. 留给配偶或民事伙伴的资产免税,基本免税阈值为325 000英镑。 Assets left to a spouse or civil partner are tax-free, and the basic tax-free threshold is £325,000. 如果将主要住所转让给子女,而且未使用津贴可以转让给配偶,则这一数额可增加到500 000英镑。 This can increase to £500,000 if a main residence is passed to children, and unused allowances can be transferred to a spouse. 超过临界值的房产在超额上面临40%的税率。 Estates above the threshold face a 40% tax rate on the excess.