警方调查北爱尔兰发生的大规模羊盗窃案,造成重大经济损失。 Police probe large sheep thefts in Northern Ireland, causing significant financial loss.
北爱尔兰警察局正在调查安特里姆郡大量被盗的羊以及伦敦德里郡克劳迪至少 50 只羔羊被盗的事件,这给业主造成了“重大经济损失”。 The Police Service of Northern Ireland is investigating a significant number of sheep reported stolen in Co. Antrim and at least 50 lambs stolen in Claudy, Co Londonderry, causing a "significant financial loss" to the owners. PSNI 敦促饲养者保持警惕,并采取额外的安全措施来保护他们的羊群。 The PSNI is urging owners to be vigilant and take additional security measures to protect their flocks.