澳大利亚大学协会敦促联邦政府为关键行业的弱势学生提供 20,000 个免费大学名额。 Universities Australia urges the federal government to introduce 20,000 fee-free uni spots for disadvantaged students in critical industries.
澳大利亚高等教育最高机构澳大利亚大学协会敦促联邦政府为严重短缺行业的弱势学生提供 20,000 个免费大学名额,类似于联邦免费 TAFE 名额计划。 Universities Australia, the nation's peak body for higher education, is urging the federal government to introduce 20,000 fee-free university places for disadvantaged students in critical shortage industries, similar to the Commonwealth scheme for fee-free TAFE places. 该组织还呼吁增加政府支持的大学名额,加大对大学研究的投资,并为代表性不足的学生提供更多衔接课程。 The organization is also calling for an increase in government-supported university places, greater investment in university research, and more pathway programs for underrepresented students.