澳大利亚提供长期免费的TAFE教育,每年提供100 000个名额,以提高技能和经济水平。 Australia offers permanent free TAFE education, providing 100,000 annual slots to boost skills and economy.
澳大利亚政府已经将免费的TAFE教育永久化,并承诺每年在全国提供100 000个免费名额。 The Australian government has made free TAFE education permanent, with a commitment to provide 100,000 free places nationwide each year. 该倡议旨在解决技能差距,支持经济增长。 This initiative aims to address skills gaps and support economic growth. 50多万澳大利亚人已经参加免费课程,区域社区大量参与。 More than half a million Australians have already enrolled in free courses, with significant participation from regional communities. 该方案涵盖建筑、早期教育、数字技术和老年护理等部门,目的是增加就业机会,促进多样化经济。 The program covers sectors like construction, early education, digital technology, and aged care, aiming to boost job opportunities and foster a diverse economy.