昆士兰州各大学的招生人数激增,UQ的招生人数居首位,特别是在卫生和商业领域。 Queensland universities saw a surge, with UQ leading in offers, particularly in health and business.
昆士兰州高等教育招生中心(QTAC)报告说,2025年大学招生人数增加了8.8%,总数超过16 000人。 The Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre (QTAC) reported an 8.8% increase in university offers for 2025, totaling over 16,000 offers. 昆士兰大学(UQ)获得的首选偏好最多,对卫生和商业方案的需求很高。 The University of Queensland (UQ) received the most first preferences, with health and business programs in high demand. UQ为10 700多名学生提供了名额,其中包括来自区域和低社会经济背景的2 600多名学生。 UQ has offered places to over 10,700 students, including more than 2,600 from regional and low socio-economic backgrounds.