澳大利亚为处境不利的12年级学生制定的早期大学入学计划提高了信心、福祉和学术成绩。 Australian early university entry schemes for disadvantaged Year 12 students improve confidence, well-being, and academic performance.
一项研究表明,澳大利亚大学的早期入学计划通过提供大学职位安排,大大帮助了12年级处境不利的学生,这种安排是根据传统的ATAR等级以外的标准进行的。 A study reveals that early entry schemes in Australian universities significantly aid disadvantaged Year 12 students by offering university placements based on criteria beyond the traditional ATAR rankings. 这些计划提高了学生的信心,在紧张的过渡期间改善了福利,并为家庭提供了更多的规划时间。 These schemes enhance students' confidence, improve well-being during stressful transitions, and provide families with more planning time. 研究消除了对动机减少的关切,表明早期入学学生在学术上表现良好,并赞赏对其能力进行更广泛的评估。 The research counters concerns about reduced motivation, showing that early entry students perform well academically and appreciate a broader assessment of their abilities.