银行将就 CFPB 的新规定与拜登政府进行斗争,该规定将降低透支费收入。 Banks will fight the Biden administration over new CFPB regulations that would lower the income from overdraft fees.
银行正准备反对拜登政府,因为消费者金融保护局计划推出新规则,削弱银行在客户账户资金不足时向客户收取透支费用的能力。 Banks are preparing to oppose the Biden administration, as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau plans to introduce new rules that diminish the ability for banks to charge customers overdraft fees when their accounts fall short of funds. 美国银行目前每年收取大约 80 亿美元的透支费。 US banks currently receive roughly $8 billion in overdraft fees annually. 此类费用的批评者认为,此类费用是在剥削弱势消费者,例如一杯 3 美元的咖啡因透支费用而额外花费了 40 美元。 Critics of such fees argue that they exploit vulnerable consumers, using the example of a $3 cup of coffee costing someone an additional $40 due to overdraft charges.