从2025年10月开始,拜登管理局规定银行透支费最高为每次交易5美元。 Biden administration sets bank overdraft fees to a maximum of $5 per transaction, starting October 2025.
拜登行政当局已最后确定一项规则,将银行收取的透支费限制在每笔交易5美元,该规则将于2025年10月生效。 The Biden administration has finalized a rule that limits overdraft fees charged by banks to $5 per transaction, set to take effect in October 2025. 这项规则预计将每年节省大约50亿美元的消费者,给银行三种选择:收取固定的5美元费用,支付其费用和损失,或公布透支贷款的利率。 This rule, expected to save consumers around $5 billion annually, gives banks three options: charge a flat $5 fee, cover their costs and losses, or disclose interest rates for overdraft loans. 尽管预期会有节余,但这一规则仍面临银行和国会的潜在挑战。 Despite the anticipated savings, the rule faces potential challenges from banks and Congress.