英国银行客户平均每年支付278英镑的透支费,大大高于信用卡和贷款利率。 UK bank customers pay an average of £278 yearly in overdraft fees, much higher than credit card and loan rates.
数以百万计的英国银行客户每年平均支付278英镑的透支费,每日利率从35%到49.9%不等。 Millions of UK bank customers are paying an average of £278 annually in overdraft fees, with daily interest rates ranging from 35% to 49.9%. 这明显高于21.7%的平均信用卡利率和8.69%的新个人贷款的有效利率。 This is significantly higher than the average credit card interest rate of 21.7% and the effective rate on new personal loans at 8.69%. 个人金融专家建议使用信用卡或转而使用透支率较低的银行来降低成本。 Personal finance experts suggest using credit cards or switching to banks with lower overdraft rates to reduce costs.