高中枪击事件发生后,保护学生的爱荷华州校长去世。 Following a high school shooting, the Iowa principal who defended the students has passed away.
佩里高中校长丹·马尔伯格 (Dan Marburger) 在 1 月 4 日的校园枪击事件中受重伤,现已去世。 Perry High School Principal Dan Marburger, who was critically injured during a school shooting on January 4, has passed away. 马尔伯格是受害者之一,其中包括三名工作人员和四名学生,被一名 17 岁的学生枪手打伤。 Marburger was among the victims, which included three staff members and four students, injured by a 17-year-old student shooter. 州长金·雷诺兹宣布去世,爱荷华州已下令下半旗。 Governor Kim Reynolds announced his death, and flags in Iowa have been ordered to be lowered to half-staff. 佩里社区学区向丹·马尔伯格校长的家人表示深切哀悼,对他的去世表示最深切的哀悼,并表示马尔伯格近三十年来一直是一位忠诚、充满爱心的同事。 The Perry Community School District has expressed deep condolences to Principal Dan Marburger's family, expressing their deepest sympathy for his death, stating that Marburger was a devoted and caring colleague for nearly three decades.