13岁的Gavin Looper在其家人认为是斯波卡内一场车载枪击中丧生。 Thirteen-year-old Gavin Looper was killed in what his family believes was a drive-by shooting in Spokane.
13岁的Gavin Looper, 斯波卡内Peperzak中学八年级学生, 周末在山地邻居家中遭枪击身亡。 Thirteen-year-old Gavin Looper, an eighth-grade student at Peperzak Middle School in Spokane, was shot and killed in a Hillyard neighborhood home over the weekend. 他的家人认为,他在一次开车的枪击中被一颗子弹击中。 His family believes he was hit by a bullet during a drive-by shooting. 学校正在向社区提供咨询服务。 The school is offering counseling services to the community. Spokane警察局没有就调查作出任何逮捕或公布细节。 The Spokane Police Department has not made any arrests or released details on the investigation.