救援人员争分夺秒地开展工作,哥伦比亚山体滑坡造成 33 人死亡。 Colombia landslide toll at 33 as rescuers work against clock.
据哥伦比亚副总统称,该国西北部的山体滑坡已造成至少 33 人死亡。 At least 33 people were killed in a landslide in northwestern Colombia, according to the country's Vice President. 泥石流发生在连接乔科省麦德林市和基布多市的高速公路上。 The mudslide occurred on a highway connecting the cities of Medellín and Quibdó in the Chocó department. 该地区连日来的强降雨导致山体滑坡,使救援工作变得更加复杂。 The landslide followed days of heavy rainfall in the area, complicating rescue efforts. 随着搜寻幸存者的工作仍在继续,受害者的确切人数仍不清楚。 The exact number of victims is still unclear, as the search for survivors continues.