中国西南部的云南省发生特大山体滑坡,造成 47 人被埋、被迫疏散,18 所房屋受损,出动了 200 名救援人员。 原因尚不清楚。 200 rescue personnel were dispatched after a massive landslide in the Yunnan province of southwest China left 47 people buried, forced to evacuate, and damaged 18 homes. The cause is still unknown.
周一,中国西南部云南省发生大规模山体滑坡,导致 47 人被埋,并迫使 200 多人疏散。 On Monday, a massive landslide in southwestern China's Yunnan province buried 47 people and forced the evacuation of over 200 people. 山体滑坡的原因仍不清楚,但已立即派出 200 名救援人员和消防车前往该地区。 The cause of the landslide is still unknown, but immediate efforts have launched 200 rescue workers along with fire engines into the area. 北京时间凌晨5时51分,昭通市镇雄县发生山体滑坡。 The landslide occurred in Zhenxiong County, Zhaotong City, at 5:51 a.m. Beijing time. 18户家庭受到影响,目前尚无死亡或受伤报告。 It impacted 18 households, with no immediate reports of deaths or injuries.