至少有九人(多数是一家之主的子女)因暴雨而死在刚果滑坡中。 At least nine people, mostly children from one family, died in Congo landslide due to heavy rain.
在刚果南基伍省大雨引发的山崩中,至少有9人,包括来自一个家庭的7名儿童,死亡。 At least nine people, including seven children from one family, died in a landslide triggered by heavy rain in Congo's South Kivu province. 这一事件摧毁了几所房屋,随着搜索的继续,死亡人数可能会上升。 The event, which destroyed several homes, may see the death toll rise as searches continue. 专家认为,这一事件与城市规划不善和基础设施薄弱有关,气候变化加剧了这些问题,导致降雨量增加。 Experts link the incident to poor urban planning and weak infrastructure, exacerbated by climate change, leading to more intense rainfall.