尼泊尔季风季节发生山体滑坡,造成 9 人死亡,其中包括一个家庭的所有人。 9 people, including an entire family, died in landslides in Nepal during monsoon season.
尼泊尔因暴雨袭击村庄而发生山体滑坡,造成包括一家人在内的 9 人死亡。 9 people, including an entire family, died in Nepal when landslides hit villages amid heavy rainfall. 此次山体滑坡发生在加德满都以西约 250 公里的三个不同地区,发生在季风季节,而该国的山区地形经常在季风季节引发山体滑坡。 The landslides occurred in three different areas, about 250 kilometers west of Kathmandu, during the monsoon season, which often triggers landslides in the country's mountainous terrain. 山体滑坡掩埋了房屋,造成人员伤亡,并给该地区造成了截至九月份的损失。 The landslides buried houses, resulting in the fatalities, and have caused damage in the region until September.