据 MTA 报道,一名青少年在布鲁克林地铁冲浪后死亡。 A teenager dies after subway surfing in Brooklyn, according to MTA.
一名十几岁的男孩在布鲁克林南行的 F 列车上冲浪后死亡。 A teenage boy died after surfing atop a southbound F train in Brooklyn. 事件发生在 N 大道和麦克唐纳大道附近,沿着梅普尔顿和米德伍德之间的边界。 The incident occurred near Avenue N and McDonald Avenue, along the border between Mapleton and Midwood. 纽约市交通局局长理查德·戴维称这一事件“令人心碎”,并警告乘客留在地铁车厢内。 New York City Transit President Richard Davey called the incident "heartbreaking" and warned passengers to stay inside subway cars. 他强调,乘坐地铁列车是鲁莽且致命的行为。 He emphasized that riding on top of subway trains is reckless and lethal.