在新南威尔士州诺拉,一名男子被警察开枪打死。 A man was shot and killed by police in Nowra, New South Wales.
一名患者在新南威尔士州诺拉的一家全科医生诊所与警方发生武装对峙期间被枪杀。 A patient was shot and killed at a GP clinic in Nowra, New South Wales, during an alleged armed standoff with police. 这起事件发生在2024年1月10日,当时这名34岁的男子在与医生发生争执时拔出了枪。 The incident occurred on January 10, 2024, after the 34-year-old man pulled a gun during a dispute with his doctor. 在警察与枪手交火之前,四名旁观者逃离了诊所。 Four bystanders were able to escape the clinic before the police engaged with the gunman. 据称,该男子在与警察对峙时手持半自动手枪。 The man was allegedly armed with a semi-automatic pistol when he confronted officers. 此案将由执法行为委员会独立审查,并将为新南威尔士验尸官准备一份案情摘要。 The case will be independently reviewed by the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission and a brief will be prepared for the Coroner of New South Wales.