警察在新南威尔士州医疗中心外开枪打死武装男子。 Police shoot and kill armed man outside NSW medical centre.
一名男子在新南威尔士州的一家医疗诊所拔出枪后被警察击毙。 A man was shot dead by police after he pulled out a gun at a medical clinic in New South Wales. 这名34岁的男子是常客,他情绪激动,谈到了令人震惊的事情。 The 34-year-old man, who was a regular, was agitated and spoke of alarming things. 警察赶到,谈判持续了近两个小时。 Police arrived and negotiations lasted nearly two hours. 诊所内的四人和武装男子一起逃脱。 Four people inside the clinic with the armed man escaped.