12月11日,一名男子在澳大利亚格拉夫顿的一个公园用刀子威胁他们,警察朝他开枪。 Police shot a man who threatened them with a knife at a park in Grafton, Australia, on December 11.
2024年12月11日澳洲格拉夫顿警方回应公园的福利关切, 枪杀一名男子。 Police in Grafton, Australia, shot a man after responding to a welfare concern at a park on December 11, 2024. 据称这名男子用刀子威胁军官。 The man allegedly threatened officers with a knife. 他被空运到一家医院,病情稳定但情况严重,一个突发事件小组正在调查枪击事件。 He was airlifted to a hospital in stable but serious condition, and a critical incident team is investigating the shooting.