一名病人用武器袭击了三名哈利法克斯医务工作人员,导致警方进行干预。 A patient attacked three Halifax Infirmary staff with a weapon, leading to a police intervention.
一名携带武器的病人在新斯科舍Halifax医务室急诊部的三名工作人员受伤。 A patient armed with a weapon injured three staff members at Halifax Infirmary's emergency department in Nova Scotia. 卫生部长Michelle Thompson证实了这一事件,并对工作人员的福祉表示关切,但没有披露他们的条件。 Health Minister Michelle Thompson confirmed the incident and expressed concern for the staff's well-being without disclosing their conditions. Halifax警察对一件武器投诉作出了回应,并于下午1时左右逮捕了一人。 Halifax police responded to a weapons complaint and apprehended one person around 1 p.m. 警察说,不存在对公众的威胁,调查正在进行中。 The police stated there is no threat to the public, and the investigation is ongoing. 这一事件给医院工作人员造成了严重的痛苦。 The incident has caused significant distress among hospital staff. 所使用的武器类型没有具体说明。 The type of weapon used was not specified.