以色列最高法院推翻了一项削弱法官权力的法律。 The Supreme Court of Israel overturned a law that would have reduced judges' authority.
一项旨在赋予以色列最高法院对政府决策更多控制权的法案被推翻,这对总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡领导的右翼联盟来说是一个挫折。 A bill designed to give the Israeli Supreme Court more control over governmental decisions was overturned, which was a setback for the right-wing coalition led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 法院全体 15 名法官出席,以 8 比 7 的票数决定推翻议会 7 月通过的一项法律,该法律禁止法官宣布政府行为“不合理”。 Using all 15 justices present, the court decided 8 to 7 to reverse a July law passed by Parliament that would have prohibited judges from declaring government actions to be "unreasonable."