以色列司法部长Yariv Levin计划在政治反对派面前重新启动有争议的司法改革。 Israeli Justice Minister Yariv Levin plans to restart controversial judicial reforms amid political opposition.
以色列司法部长亚里夫·莱文计划重启先前因与哈马斯的战争而暂停的有争议的司法改革。 Israeli Justice Minister Yariv Levin plans to revive controversial judicial reforms previously paused due to the war with Hamas. 改革旨在改变法官的遴选方式,限制最高法院的权力,面对各种政治团体的反对。 The reforms aim to change how judges are selected and limit the Supreme Court's powers, facing opposition from various political groups. Levin认为,高等法院破坏了议会的权威,但议会缺乏足够的支持来实施变革。 Levin argues the High Court has undermined the Knesset's authority, but lacks enough support in parliament to implement the changes.