以色列议会投票反对建立巴勒斯坦国,68票赞成,9票反对。 Israel's Knesset votes against establishing a Palestinian state, 68 in favour, 9 against.
以色列议会投票反对建立巴勒斯坦国,其中68名议员赞成,9名议员反对。 Israel's Knesset votes against the establishment of a Palestinian state, with 68 members voting in favour of the resolution and 9 against. 该决议声称,在以色列占领的土地上建立巴勒斯坦国将“延续以巴冲突并破坏该地区的稳定”。 The resolution claims that the creation of a Palestinian state on land occupied by Israel would "perpetuate the Israel-Palestinian conflict and destabilize the region."