数以千计的下岗联邦工人由于独特的技能组合和福利而面临就业短缺。 Thousands of laid-off federal workers face job scarcity due to unique skill sets and benefits.
根据特朗普总统的削减成本措施,数千名联邦工人被解雇,他们很难找到新的工作,因为他们的专业作用很难在私营部门中推广。 Thousands of federal workers laid off under President Trump's cost-cutting measures are struggling to find new jobs as their specialized roles are hard to replicate in the private sector. 在Elon Musk政府效率部的监督下,裁员打击了从公共卫生到外交等各个领域的工人。 The layoffs, overseen by Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency, have hit workers across various fields, from public health to diplomacy. 联邦薪金往往低于私营部门的工作,政府角色的独特福利和就业保障使得寻找同等职位具有挑战性。 Federal salaries are often lower than private sector jobs, and the unique benefits and job security of government roles make finding equivalent positions challenging.