美国面临严重的芬太尼危机;各州推动《HALT Fentanyl法案》以打击毒品上升。 U.S. faces severe fentanyl crisis; states push for HALT Fentanyl Act to combat drug's rise.
美国正面临着一场严重的芬太尼危机,毒品是18至45岁美国人死亡的主要原因之一。 The U.S. is facing a severe fentanyl crisis, with the drug being a leading cause of death among Americans aged 18-45. 缉毒局报告说,在2024年缴获了5 500多万芬太尼药丸,相当于3.77亿次致死剂量。 The DEA reported seizing over 55 million fentanyl pills in 2024, equating to 367 million lethal doses. 包括宾夕法尼亚州和西弗吉尼亚州在内的25个州组成的联盟正在敦促参议院通过《HALT Fentanyl法》,以堵塞“影印员芬太尼”的漏洞,并加强对人贩子的处罚。 A coalition of 25 states, including Pennsylvania and West Virginia, is urging the Senate to pass the HALT Fentanyl Act to close loopholes for "copycat fentanyl" and strengthen penalties against traffickers. 该法案得到两党在众议院的支持。 The bill has bipartisan support in the House. 准确的数据和基于证据的解决方案,如扩大治疗方案,对于解决危机也至关重要。 Accurate data and evidence-based solutions like expanding treatment options are also crucial for addressing the crisis.