最近北加利福尼亚州的交通阻断导致大量芬太尼的查获和逮捕。 Recent traffic stops in Northern California led to significant fentanyl seizures and arrests.
最近北加利福尼亚州的交通中断导致大量芬太尼缉获。 Recent traffic stops in Northern California resulted in major fentanyl seizures. 5号州际公路的停靠导致一名华盛顿司机被捕,他拥有66磅以上伪造的M30药丸,可能对加利福尼亚四分之一的人口致命。 A stop on Interstate 5 led to the arrest of a Washington driver, who had over 66 pounds of counterfeit M30 pills, potentially lethal to a quarter of California's population. 另外,有两人因在文图拉县拥有芬太尼而被逮捕。 Separately, two individuals were arrested for possessing fentanyl in Ventura County. 当局强调该药物的极端威力,并正在努力打击在吸毒过量死亡增加的情况下贩运该药物。 Authorities emphasize the drug's extreme potency and ongoing efforts to combat its trafficking amid rising overdose deaths.