西南底特律的洪水街道主要断水,影响约200户人家。 Water main break in Southwest Detroit floods streets and affects around 200 homes.
西南底特律一个54英寸的水管断裂,街道淹没,约有150至200户人家的地下室用水受到影响。 A 54-inch water main broke in Southwest Detroit, flooding streets and affecting about 150-200 homes with basement water. 第一批救灾人员和大湖水管理局正在努力隔离断裂区,并协助居民。 First responders and the Great Lakes Water Authority are working to isolate the break and assist residents. 一辆城市公交车是获救者的暖化中心。 A city bus serves as a warming center for those rescued. 事件发生在零下温度下。 The incident occurred during subzero temperatures.