底特律的多重主要水位断裂造成洪水和冰冷街道、困捕车辆和切断水源。 Multiple water main breaks in Detroit cause flooding and icy streets, trapping vehicles and cutting off water.
底特律的多次主要水位断裂造成洪水和潮湿街道、困捕车辆和切断居民的供水。 Multiple water main breaks in Detroit have caused flooding and icy streets, trapping vehicles and cutting off water supplies for residents. 该市正在努力修补问题,但寒冷的天气和老化的基础设施使工作复杂化。 The city is working to repair the issues, but the cold weather and aging infrastructure have complicated efforts. 在俄亥俄州Green Bay和Brook公园也发生了类似事件,在那里,船员们一直在努力清除冰层和恢复供水服务。 Similar incidents have occurred in Green Bay and Brook Park, Ohio, where crews have been working to clear ice and restore water services.