联合王国终止了5分钟的私人停车费规则,目的是防止过度罚款。 UK ends five-minute rule for private parking payments, aiming to prevent excessive fines.
从2025年2月17日起, 联合王国将取消争议性的私人停车费5分钟规则, 以避免不公平处罚。 Effective February 17, 2025, the UK will remove the controversial five-minute rule for private parking payments to prevent unfair penalties. 这项改革由私营泊车检查和咨询小组实施,适用于使用ANPR或闭路电视摄像头的地点,但不适用于没有这种技术的地方当局或私人停车场。 The change, implemented by the Private Parking Scrutiny and Advice Panel, applies to sites using ANPR or CCTV cameras but not to local authority or private car parks without such technology. 这项行动是继公众因迟缴罚款1 906英镑而引起抗议之后采取的。 The move follows public outcry over a £1,906 fine due to a late payment. 虽然英国泊车协会赞美最新消息, 汽车团体则寻求政府支持的行为守则, While the British Parking Association praises the update, motoring groups seek a government-backed code of practice for broader fairness.