Tesco调整了停车时限,激怒了夜间店主和工作时间不固定的人。 Tesco adjusts parking time limits, angering night shoppers and those with irregular work hours.
Tesco实施了新的停车时间限制,激怒了一些顾客,特别是晚上购物的顾客。 Tesco has implemented new parking time limits that have angered some customers, especially those who shop at night. 修订后的规则允许从上午6时至下午8时、从下午8时至午夜1小时、从午夜至凌晨6时的30分钟自由停车3小时。 The revised rules allow three hours of free parking from 6am to 8pm, one hour from 8pm to midnight, and just 30 minutes from midnight to 6am. 批评者认为,这种变化扰乱了他们的购物习惯,对工作时间不固定或流动问题的人构成挑战。 Critics argue this change disrupts their shopping habits and poses challenges for those with irregular work hours or mobility issues. 该政策旨在解决超时“反社会行为”问题。 The policy aims to address "anti-social behaviour" during late hours.