爱丁堡居民在人行道上停车可能面临 100 英镑的罚款。 Edinburgh residents could face £100 fines for parking on pavements.
爱丁堡市议会决定执行新规定后,爱丁堡居民将因在人行道上停车而面临 100 英镑的罚款。 Edinburgh residents are facing £100 fines for parking on pavements, following a city council decision to enforce new rules. 市议会已提醒路面停车问题地区的 6,500 个家庭注意新规定,该规定将于 1 月 29 日生效。 The city council has reminded 6,500 households in areas where pavement parking is a problem about the new rules, which will come into force on January 29. 爱丁堡是继伦敦之后第二个实施这一政策的英国城市。 Edinburgh is the second UK city to implement this policy after London.