白宫禁止来自Oval Office和空军一号的AP记者处理术语纠纷。 White House bans AP journalists from Oval Office and Air Force One over terminology dispute.
白宫已无限期禁止美联社(AP)记者进入Oval Office和空军一号, The White House has indefinitely banned Associated Press (AP) journalists from accessing the Oval Office and Air Force One, escalating tensions between the Trump administration and the news agency. 这一行动是在AP公司拒绝使用行政当局首选的术语之后采取的。 This move came after the AP refused to use terminology preferred by the administration. 白宫副参谋长泰勒·布多维奇宣布, 美国通讯社的部分访问权限将扩大到包括其他记者, White House deputy chief of staff Taylor Budowich announced some AP access would be expanded to include other reporters, amid criticism that the ban is "un-American."