白宫威胁限制 美联社记者对海湾命名争端的接触权 White House threatens to restrict AP reporters' access over naming dispute of the Gulf.
白宫已经声明,它可以惩罚美联社记者 美联社记者 因为关于海湾命名的争端 The White House has stated it can penalize Associated Press reporters due to a dispute over the naming of the Gulf. 尽管允许美联社记者参加白宫的通报会,但政府坚持自己有权控制进入Oval办公室的通道,以及如何命名海湾。 Despite allowing AP reporters into White House briefings, the administration insists on its right to control access to the Oval Office and how the gulf is named. 白宫参赞Dan Leavitt强调,没有人有权在总统办公室质询总统。 White House Counselor Dan Leavitt emphasized that no one has the right to question the president in the Oval Office.