包括来自Politicco和Axios的记者在内的记者被拒绝参加特朗普的选举之夜活动。 Journalists, including those from Politico and Axios, were denied access to Trump's election night event.
来自包括Politicco和Axios在内的几个新闻组织的记者被拒绝参加前总统唐纳德·特朗普在佛罗里达州西棕榈滩举行的选举之夜活动。 Journalists from several news organizations, including Politico and Axios, were denied credentials to former President Donald Trump's election night event in West Palm Beach, Florida. 消息来源指出,这些否认是为了报复有关特朗普竞选活动的批评性报道。 Sources indicate these denials were in retaliation for critical reporting about Trump’s campaign. 这种撤销新闻证书的做法以前就发生过,反映了特朗普运动长期以来的趋势,限制人们接触他们认为不受欢迎的媒体。 This practice of revoking press credentials has occurred previously, reflecting a longstanding trend of the Trump campaign limiting access to media they perceive as unfavorable.