白宫禁止AP记者拒绝将“墨西哥海湾”改名为“美国海湾”。 White House bans AP reporter for refusing to rename "Gulf of Mexico" as "Gulf of America."
根据特朗普总统的行政命令, 白宫拒绝将墨西哥湾改名为“美国湾”, 白宫禁止美联社记者参加Oval Office活动。 The White House barred an Associated Press reporter from an Oval Office event after the news agency refused to rename the Gulf of Mexico as the "Gulf of America," per President Trump's executive order. 美联社将继续使用原名,以新闻报道的完整性为名。 The AP will continue using the original name, citing journalistic integrity. 这起事件引起对言论自由和新闻自由的关切,因为白宫的行动可被视为企图影响媒体报道。 This incident raises concerns about free speech and press freedom, as the White House's actions could be seen as an attempt to influence media coverage.