VP Dhankhar质疑首席法官在任命中的作用,并提到对权力分立的关切。 VP Dhankhar questions Chief Justice's role in appointments, citing concern over separation of powers.
Jagdeep Dhankhar副总统质疑印度首席大法官在行政任命中的作用,例如挑选CBI主任,认为这有损于权力分立。 Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar has questioned the role of the Chief Justice of India in executive appointments, such as selecting the CBI director, arguing it undermines the separation of powers. 他呼吁重新评估这些规范,以确保政府各部门在其宪法范围内运作。 He called for a reassessment of these norms to ensure each branch of government operates within its constitutional bounds. Dhankhar强调了尊重民主原则和宪法治理完整性的重要性。 Dhankhar emphasized the importance of respecting democratic principles and the integrity of constitutional governance.