两名无家可归的人溺死在都柏林大运河;其中一人的体内有毒品和酒精。 Two homeless men drowned in Dublin's Grand Canal; one had drugs and alcohol in his system.
Donal Scanlon和Alex Warnick这两个无家可归者于2024年7月在都柏林大运河溺水。 Two homeless men, Donal Scanlon and Alex Warnick, drowned in Dublin's Grand Canal in July 2024. 尸检报告显示,两人死于溺水;Warnick体内酒精、苯并二氮杂卓、可卡因和美沙酮含量很高。 Postmortem reports showed both men died from drowning; Warnick had high levels of alcohol, benzodiazepines, cocaine, and methadone in his system. 没有目击证人看到他们进入水中,也没有第三方参与的迹象。 No witnesses saw them enter the water, and no third-party involvement was indicated. 他们的帐篷在运河附近,调查发现,当地无家可归者社区吸毒和酗酒。 Their tents were near the canal, and the inquest noted drug and alcohol use among the local homeless community. 他们死亡的确切情况仍然不明朗。 The exact circumstances of their deaths remain unclear.