在悉尼的一艘游艇上发现2名50-60岁的死者;发现烟雾,确定犯罪现场,调查正在进行。 2 deceased individuals, aged 50-60, found on a yacht in Sydney; fumes detected, crime scene established, investigation ongoing.
7月31日,警方在悉尼Cammeray的一艘47英尺长的游艇上发现两名死者,一男一女,年龄在50-60岁左右。 On July 31, police discovered two deceased individuals, a man and a woman aged around 50-60, on a 47-foot yacht moored in Sydney's Cammeray. 这对夫妇原定7月29日晚上在Tunks公园的船上过夜,但没有返回。 The couple had been scheduled to spend the night of July 29 on the boat at Tunks Park but did not return. 发现后发现烟雾,引起新南威尔士州消防救援行动。 Upon discovery, fumes were detected, prompting Fire and Rescue NSW's involvement. 犯罪现场已经建立,调查正在进行中。 A crime scene has been established, and an investigation is underway. 将进行尸体解剖,以查明个人身份并确定死因。 An autopsy will be conducted to identify the individuals and determine the cause of death. 当局正在敦促任何有情报的人 与犯罪阻截者联系 Authorities are urging anyone with information to contact Crime Stoppers.