三分之一的美国人在信用卡上欠的债比他们在紧急储蓄上欠的债还多,这与金融趋势有关。 One-third of Americans owe more on credit cards than they have in emergency savings, a concerning financial trend.
根据银行利率,三分之一的美国人的信用卡债务比紧急储蓄还多。 One-third of Americans have more credit card debt than emergency savings, according to Bankrate. 这个数字虽然与前几年相比略有下降,但高于2011年以来的任何时候。 This figure, while slightly down from previous years, is higher than any time since 2011. 平均而言,家庭所欠信用卡债务为21 000美元。 Households owe an average of $21,000 in credit card debt. 财务专家建议减少信用卡的使用,编制预算,并节省一笔500-1 000美元的小额紧急基金,以避免进一步的债务。 Financial experts recommend reducing credit card usage, creating a budget, and saving a small emergency fund of $500-$1,000 to avoid further debt. 千一代最有可能拥有更多的信用卡债务而不是储蓄, Millennials are most likely to have more credit card debt than savings, followed by Gen X and Gen Z.