德国总理舒尔茨(Scholz)试图放宽国防开支的债务规则,以实现北约2%的目标。 German Chancellor Scholz seeks to ease debt rules for defense spending to meet NATO's 2% target.
德国总理奥拉夫·舍尔茨(Olaf Scholz)期待将于2月23日当选的新政府为国防和安全开支设定例外, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz expects the new government, to be elected on February 23, to create an exception for defense and security spending, easing Germany's constitutional debt limit. 这一举动旨在帮助德国达到北约2%的国防支出基准。 This move aims to help Germany meet NATO's 2% defense spending benchmark. Scholz还呼吁暂时修订欧盟债务规则,以豁免超过这一门槛的国防开支。 Scholz also called for a temporary overhaul of EU debt rules to exempt defense spending that exceeds this threshold.