德国在联盟垮台时颁布了2025年临时预算,保留了一些福利。 Germany enacts provisional 2025 budget amid coalition collapse, preserving some benefits.
德国政府已颁布了一项2025年临时预算,以确保在奥拉夫·舍尔茨总理联盟垮台后即将于2月举行选举之前的财政稳定。 Germany's government has enacted a provisional 2025 budget to ensure financial stability before the upcoming February elections, following the collapse of Chancellor Olaf Scholz's coalition. 诸如所得税减免、较高的儿童福利和无限制旅行的德乌施兰地票等关键政策仍可能通过。 Key policies like income tax relief, higher child benefits, and the Deutschlandticket for unlimited travel may still pass. 然而,关于降低食品增值税和实行最低保障养老金的建议不太可能在选举之前获得支持。 However, proposals for lowering the VAT on food and introducing a guaranteed minimum pension are less likely to gain support before the election.