DP世界进口集装箱碳信用新计划在两个月内已在联合王国注册超过10万个单位。 DP World’s new carbon credit program for import containers has registered over 100,000 units in the UK within two months.
2024年12月启动的DP世界碳浸泡新方案在两个月内已在联合王国登记了超过100 000个进口集装箱的临界浓缩箱。 DP World's new Carbon Inset Program, launched in December 2024, has already registered over 100,000 TEUs of import containers within two months in the UK. 为期六个月的试验为通过DP World的伦敦网关和南安普敦终点站的每个进口集装箱提供50公斤CO2e碳信用额。 The six-month trial offers 50 kg CO₂e of carbon credits per import container moved through DP World's London Gateway and Southampton terminals. 如果一半的进口商加入,它就可以清除10,000吨以上的温室气体。 If half of the importers join, it could remove over 10,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases. 这些碳信用额是由DP World的子公司Unifeeder在北欧使用低碳燃料产生的。 The carbon credits are generated by DP World's subsidiary, Unifeeder, using lower-carbon fuels in Northern Europe.