ERSI与45%的顶尖比特币矿工合作,启动了电子废物回收碳信用方案。 ERSI partners with 45% of top Bitcoin miners to launch a carbon credit program for electronic waste recycling.
Sparta Group 的 ERS International 已与前 11 名比特币矿工中的近一半合作,创建了一个碳信用生成计划。 Sparta Group's ERS International has partnered with nearly half of the top eleven Bitcoin miners to create a carbon credit generation program. 这一举措回收了电子废物,使矿工能够抵消其大量碳排放。 This initiative, which recycles electronic waste, allows miners to offset their significant carbon emissions. 该方案遵守ISO 14064标准,适用于各种行业。 The program adheres to ISO 14064 standards and is applicable across various industries. 目前,碳入计量价值为每吨80美元,预计明年将增加95美元。 Currently, carbon credits are valued at $80 per tonne, with an expected increase to $95 next year.