Candies Goode-McCoy 承认欺诈性地申请 $100M 的 COVID-19 税收抵免,净赚 $2.1M。 Candies Goode-McCoy pleads guilty to fraudulently claiming $100M in COVID-19 tax credits, netting $2.1M.
Candies Goode-McCoy, 34岁,来自拉斯维加斯, 承认阴谋欺骗政府, 提出超过1200份虚假税单, Candies Goode-McCoy, a 34-year-old from Las Vegas, pleaded guilty to conspiring to defraud the government by filing over 1,200 false tax returns claiming nearly $100 million in fraudulent COVID-19 tax credits. 国税局支付了3 300万美元,Goode-McCoy收到130万美元,另从其他方面收到80万美元。 The IRS paid out $33 million, with Goode-McCoy receiving $1.3 million and an additional $800,000 from others. 她用这笔资金用于奢侈品和赌博 She used the funds for luxury items and gambling. 她将面临长达10年的监禁,定于2026年2月23日判刑。 She faces up to 10 years in prison, and sentencing is scheduled for February 23, 2026.