30岁的Meelad Dezfooli因11M COVID-19的救济基金欺诈而被定罪,利用公私伙伴关系贷款谋取个人利益。 30-year-old Meelad Dezfooli convicted for $11M COVID-19 relief fund fraud, using PPP loans for personal gain.
Meelad Dezfooli, 30岁,来自亨德森, 被判犯有欺诈银行罪, Meelad Dezfooli, a 30-year-old from Henderson, has been convicted of defrauding banks out of over $11 million in COVID-19 relief funds through fraudulent Paycheck Protection Program loan applications. 他谎称控制了多个公司,并虚报了工资单和雇员的详细情况。 He falsely claimed to control multiple companies and misrepresented payroll and employee details. Dezfooli滥用资金用于房地产、豪华轿车和赌博。 Dezfooli misused the funds for real estate, luxury cars, and gambling. 他将受到严厉惩罚,定于12月5日判刑。 He faces severe penalties, with sentencing scheduled for December 5.