Brosseau从“fentanyl czar”重新定义为专员,以更好地反映反fentanyl努力的作用。 Brosseau redefined from "fentanyl czar" to commissioner to better reflect role in anti-fentanyl efforts.
为了澄清角色,重新定义了“fentanyl czar”一词。 In a move to clarify roles, the term "fentanyl czar" has been redefined. Brosseau已被正式任命为专员,而不是沙皇,目的是简化打击毒品的工作。 Brosseau has been officially named as a commissioner rather than a czar, aiming to streamline efforts against the drug. 标题的这一变化反映了对Brosseau在反芬太尼倡议中的作用的更准确描述。 This change in title reflects a more accurate depiction of Brosseau's role in the anti-fentanyl initiative.