加拿大将Kevin Brosseau命名为“fentanyl czar”, 以打击毒品扩散, 与美国当局合作。 Canada names Kevin Brosseau as "fentanyl czar" to fight drug's spread, to work with U.S. authorities.
加拿大已任命加拿大皇家骑警前副专员Kevin Brosseau为“fentanyl czar”, Canada has appointed Kevin Brosseau, a former RCMP deputy commissioner, as its "fentanyl czar" to combat the drug's spread. Brosseau将与美国对口单位密切合作,查明并拆除非法芬太尼贸易,解决美国关切的问题,并避免潜在的关税。 Brosseau will work closely with U.S. counterparts to detect and dismantle the illicit fentanyl trade, addressing U.S. concerns and avoiding potential tariffs. Brosseau在执法方面有20多年的经验,包括对付毒品贩运和有组织犯罪。 Brosseau has over 20 years of experience in law enforcement, including tackling drug trafficking and organized crime.