美国起诉两家印度化学公司走私芬太尼制化学品,这与美国的类阿片危机有关。 US indicts two Indian chemical firms for smuggling fentanyl-making chemicals, linked to the US opioid crisis.
两家印度化学公司 -- -- Raxuter Chemicals和Athos Chemicals -- -- 被美国联邦检察官起诉,罪名是走私用于生产威力很强的阿片芬太尼(芬太尼)的化学品。 Two Indian chemical companies, Raxuter Chemicals and Athos Chemicals, have been indicted by US federal prosecutors for smuggling chemicals used to produce fentanyl, a highly potent opioid. 总部设在印度古吉拉特的这些公司被指控采用欺骗性做法,如错贴标签包和伪造海关表格以避免被发现。 The companies, based in Gujarat, India, are accused of employing deceptive practices such as mislabeling packages and falsifying customs forms to avoid detection. Raxuter化工公司的创始人Bhavesh Lathiya也被起诉和逮捕。 Bhavesh Lathiya, a founder of Raxuter Chemicals, has also been indicted and arrested. 据信这些行动在很大程度上促成了美国阿片危机,造成美国每天约200人死亡。 These actions are believed to have substantially contributed to the US opioid crisis, which caused around 200 deaths a day in the US.